Fans whirring, kids riding bikes, people reading books under umbrellas. Beach days. It’s full-fledged summer here in the Pacific Northwest, and that deserves a serious celebration. The season’s abundance is glorious — everywhere you turn, there are flowers bursting, zucchinis growing faster than harvesters can keep up, and can we just talk about the mint?!
These days, the mint grows wild, fresh, and green, and we knew that we had to make a drink to celebrate. Mint is soothing for digestion, it smells good, and its a favorite among pollinators. And according to traditional medical systems like Ayurveda (“The Science of Life” in Sanskrit), mint is also cooling and pacifying herb, which makes it perfect for infusing into all our summertime treats, including this Minty Cucumber Limeade with Pineappale and Sage Shrub!
Yes, that sounds like a mouthful, but trust us — it’s simple, nutritious, and literally the only thing we want to drink on an afternoon like this one (or an afternoon dangling our legs off a boat, drifting through the sea… okay, let’s not get carried away!).
We’ve adapted this recipe from The First Mess, a Canadian vegan food blogger whose recipes are seriously magical. Thanks Laura!