Make the ramen of your wildest dreams
These marinated eggs are the umami flavor bomb that every ramen bowl needs as its crowning glory — but free to use them in any dish that could use a little more pow (and prebiotics!).
The crowning glory of any ramen bowl is the egg - and this one delivers umami flavor and prebiotic goodness!

6 Eggs
4 Tbsp Soy sauce
2 Tbsp Mirin
1 Tbsp Sugar
3 Tbsp Water
½ tsp Apple State Vinegar
Add soy sauce, mirin, sugar, water to a pot and heat up (doesn’t need to boil!). Stop the heat when the sugar dissolves.
Let it cool.
Add Apple State Vinegar.
Combine the mixture and boiled eggs in a sealable container and soak them for 12 hours. Rotate so that the egg sits in the mixture equally.
Perfect soft boiled eggs
Boil water in a sauce pan.
Gently put eggs into the boiled water. I use spoon to move 1 egg at the time.
Gently boil them for 7 mins.
Remove the eggs from boiling water. Cover with ice (2 - 3 cups) and cold water to prevent over cooking.
Recipe Note
After you are done soaking eggs, you can use the mixture as a marinade or Teriyaki sauce! No waste : )